Here's what our customers have to say...

Mr & Mrs Heap - Heath Park Avenue, Cardiff   21/11/2015
“In October of this year, Nick Stout laid a new drive/forecourt to our house. We asked that the work be done in block paving, charcoal with a mixed border. In short my wife and I are truly delighted with the outcome. The work in terms of its substructure, the cutting of blocks at fine angles and the gentle pitch of the finished area is of the highest standard. Nick's workmen, all of whom have been with him for over 10 years seem to know the job as well as does their boss. Their experience is such that on the one day Nick was unable to be here, the men continued unsupervised, covering quite a large area with blocks. We would also like to point out that they are extremely well mannered and require nothing other than occasional cups of tea or coffee...” » more

I delayed writing this recommendation until after we had witnessed the effects of heavy rainfall, as our previous frontage was apt to hold a number of sizable puddles which remained until some time after the bad weather had left. After many days of torrential rain, the drive is now puddle free... the first time this has been so in the thirty years we have lived in the property. In truth, the completed job exceeded our expectations. We are very pleased with it and have been left with the highest opinion of the quality of Nick Stout's work.

Mr & Mrs Williams - Penarth   18/11/2015
“Nick Stout and his team have just completed a job which consisted of constructing two separate patio areas, a replacement double drive and a new full width crossover. The whole job was completed in just under eight and a half days. We are delighted with the work and we felt that the job was in the hands of people who knew what they were doing and cared about doing it well...” » more

Nick Stout himself is a very positive person who listened to out requirements, offered some very creative ideas and helpful suggestions and clearly described how the job would be done. Throughout the job we were confident that everything which needed to be done would be done by him and his team, and we would not be left with things to do once they had finished. Three men carried out the work under Nick Stout's management. He himself was there most of the time, and always when an important new phase of work was beginning. They were a pleasure to have on site, they were also enthusiastic and well-motivated and throughout the whole job there was a pleasant working atmosphere with the men working despite bad weather conditions on some of the days. No matter what the weather, they worked very hard. We are extremely impressed with their dedication and attention to detail.

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  • Over 20 years experience
  • Guaranteed insured team
  • Local friendly service